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Gemini-B15 AG iDK12.5+ASI6200MM

System Specification

Main Scope :   AG Optical iDK 12.5"
Diameter :   318mm, 12.5"
Focal Length :   2128mm
Focal Ratio :   f/6.7
Main Camera :   ASI 6200MM
Sensor :   Sony IMX455
Size :   Full Frame 36x24mm
Bits :   16
Image Area :   36.0mm x 24.0mm
Pixels :   9576x6388, 61mp
Pixel Size :   3.76um
QE :   ~90%
Read Noise :   1.0~3.7 e-
Fullwell Capacity :   >51k e-
Mono :   yes
Cooled :   yes
Δ Max. Cooling :   35°
CCD Angle :   n/a°
Using OAG :   yes
Guider Camera :   ASI 174MM
Sensor :   Sony IMX174
Bits :   12
Image Area :   11.3mm x 7.1mm
Pixels :   1936x1216, 2mp
Pixel Size :   5.86um
Mono :   yes
Cooled :   no
FilterWheel Make :   ZWO
F.W. Model :   ZWO EFW-7
Filters Num. :   7
Filter LRGB :   Astrdon Gen2 E-Series LRGB
Filter NarrowBand :   Astrdon 5nm Ha
Auto Focuser :   TCF-S3
Focus Position :   n/a
Mount :   Skywatcher EQ8-R Pro
Mount Type :   German Equatorial
Drive Mode :   Stepper Motor Drive
Mount Weight :   25.7kg, 56.7lbs
Mount Payload :   50kg, 110.2lbs
Sys. FOV :   0.969° x 0.647°
Sys. Resolution :   0.364"/pixel

NO cellphone, address or credit card info needed.


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  • What's the difference between Customized Imaging Request and Image Data?
    The Image Data is sourced monthly from our remote telescope according to our Imaging Plan. We store and offer it at a minimal cost to anyone in need, helping us offset equipment and observatory expenses. However, the specific image data you're looking for might not always be available. If you need specific object data or longer exposures that our Image Data doesn't provide, or if you want exclusive data ownership, then our Customized Imaging is right for you.
  • How does this work?
    - Ownership: The data ownership is exclusively yours. After imaging completion, we will only share the data with you and will not offer it for sale. - Submit Your Requirements: Detail your imaging preferences with the form. Upon payment completion, our professionals will handle the imaging as per your needs. - Track Your Progress: Stay updated on your imaging requests via the "My/Imaging Request" page. - Secure Storage and Sharing: Your images will be securely stored on Google Drive and will be shared with your designated account. - Pricing: The charges for imaging requests are determined by multiplying the minute rate with the actual exposure time. Should weather or lunar phases affect the imaging, we'll reschedule accordingly. Remember: frames under a minute, like a 30-second exposure, are charged as one minute. - Cancellation & Refunds: Cancel anytime before imaging starts to get a full refund. If you cancel post-initiation, your refund equals the un-imaged duration times the per-minute rate. However, post-completion cancellations aren't entertained. Refund processing takes 3-5 business days, contingent on third-party processing times.
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